
Food for reading! Not so much because of the recipes and not just because the guy is a VW van fanatic, but because it's fun to read and gives you this real camping feeling. But off course there are also some tasty looking dishes in there ;-)

Hmmm, pancakes after an early morning session? This guy knows what life is about ;-)

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The real deal

The miniature..

I'm back in the playing with Lego game again ;-)

Lego VW t1 camper van

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Hot wired

The first phase has been completed...

Cool light effects.

Smooth ski slope ;-)

Preparing for the autumn storms ;-)

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Got a new lens for the camera (50mm 1.4), so I had to test/try it...

Goal was to get that basic German curry wurst. Came close with a homemade sauce..
But I missed the usual burger stuff > unions, pickles and tomatoes.. so added them later.

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for Chris ;-)

Ok, .. this is the place. Castelo Do Queijo, Porto North

A nice place. But for surf there are better places.

The town Porto is a must visit/see! great food also!!

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After all the positive things about Portugal that David has posted, I'm getting a bit worried that next summer it might get crowded like his other other post: the Chinese swimming pool! So for that I will show some negative things on our blog.

We actually had 2 days with rain and lower temperatures. Rain coats on!!

Yeah, that makes you serious!!

When someone is taking pictures, you sometimes get other people in the picture. Very annoying!!

And off course there are the fires!!

And last but not least, when ordering food you get soooo much!! This for example was a lunch dish and it actually was half a portion. Imagine the full portion!! They are crazy, hahahaha!!

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Old "room" with a view..

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Covering 30,000 square meters, the ‘Dead Sea’ indoor water park in Sichuan province is said to be the largest in China. They let it accommodate up to ten thousand visitors at once. I think that is a bit unsafe, rubber rafts or not.

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Tweak it till it hurts ;-)

Just at home and direct a super nice day at the local lake. Water is way warmer than that cold ocean in Portugal. What a difference!! The perfect way to unpack the car and "wash" al that salt/sand from the gear

Erik testing the boom ;-)

Linda in the sun. She made all other pics. Thanx!!

Doggy happy searching the local rabbits again

A desert that suits the day perfectly. Fresh homemade waffle with ice and fresh fruits

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Home sweet home

Back home! Had a great trip, but it's always nice to come home.

The weather (read: al the rain) turned the garden almost into a miniature jungle.
And I like it!
All the people I spoke complained about the bad weather/all the rain/cold I missed...
Hmmm, well on arrival it was warm and sunny. So ready for some outside food ;-)

Mexicali steez. Something I missed for a month

Garden is full of flowers

The salad

Stuff that fills the stomach.

And now the best thing...
It's sunny, warm and ... WINDY!
So no needs to unpack the car. Time to go straight to the local waters!

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